Another picture of the doily in progress

Here is a close up of the oval for the next round of the Norma Benporath doily.

In the original pattern the two clovers at each side are stand-alone clovers. "Stand-alone" clovers is a common feature in most of Norma Benporath's tatting that I have tatted.  Each one usually stands on its own without any chains holding it up and connected to the other parts only at the picots.  Rather than doing them separately, I have added in chains joined to the centre motif thus making it possible to the centre in one pass.

These ovals are joined the the rest of the doily like so,
The space between the ovals will be filled by a mesh of rings to cover a space of about 4in. wide.  I have not decided what colour thread to use for the mesh of rings.  I can continue with the yellow but feels that it will be a bit too bright.  Using the multi-coloured thread will create a big blob of colours without any clear defined pattern, as sometimes happens when using variegated/multi-coloured thread.  Furthemore, using either will add to the fiery nature of the whole doily thus far.

So, I am considering toning it down by using this shade of pink as in the picture below, unless I go the opposite and use something like green!


  1. Green! Well, THAT was unexpected! I am eager to see what you decide...
    Fox : )

  2. I don't have that many green thread in my stash. One is the colour used for the tatting in my header. The other is closer to lime green and the third ball is a mix colour of the leaf and lime with specks of yellow. I'll put up photos later.

  3. The pink would work but a nice soothing green would actually set off the oval motifs and I think not detract from the overall look of the rest of the doily.

  4. I'm really liking that doily and trying to visualize the stand alone clovers. In this particular pattern, I feel that they're just too big for that and would stand out too much. But, maybe I'm just not really visualizing very well. I like your added chains to 'offset' the size.


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