14-day Challenge renamed to Threads that Bind

Here are the last two rounds of the 14-day Challenge (with a twist).

Day 14
Ring A is (4-4+4-4), joined to previous round as shown.
Ring A is repeated for the following 8 rings.
Ring B is (6-6), joined as shown.
Please note how the two ring Bs are joined to the previous round.

All Chain Cs are (5-5)
I have given a challenge to those who are following my facebook page, to create their own final round.  Some have finished by taking up the challenge and shared photos.  If you'd like to view some of the finished work, please go to the 'Threads that Bind' album on my facebook page, where I compiled photos of the finish work. I am extending the challenge to my blog followers as well.

If you are not yet confident of creating your own final round, here is mine if you chose to follow this,

Day 14 - Final round

Ring A (5-5)
Ring B (4+4-4-4), joined to 2nd Ring A as shown
Ring C (4+2-2-2-2-4), joined to Ring B as shown
Ring D (4+4-4-4), joined to Ring C as shown

Chain E (5+5-3), joined to cjaon in round 13 as shown
Chain F (3+5+5), joined to Chain E and chain of round 13 as shown.

Repeat Ring A, joining to Ring D as shown.
This is my doily with the 14th round still in progress.

I began this doily as a challenge to finish a design in 14 days. The significance of the 14 days would be fully understood by now. At about that time, the Government of Malaysia had announced a controlled movement order (CMO) and everyone were required to #stayhome. On Friday 10th April, the Government announced a continuation of the CMO until 28th April. 

Knowing that many other countries are also in similar situation and also took similar approach of a lockdown, I shared photos-instructions for the doily one round per day, inviting tatters to tat-along with me. Tatters are really awesome folks. Many had joined the tat-along and it was wonderful to see the different colours used for the doily. In recognising this, I have given  a name to this doily as 'Threads that Bind' to reflect the strong bond among tatters, no matter where we are.

#staysafe #stayhome


  1. Its lovely and as soon as I finish three projects I would love to try this 😁 thankyou for the pattern Happy Easter 🐣

  2. I'm not finished yet. After day 13, I ran out of thread. Now I've started day 14, using a different thread. And I will share photo on Facebook later on. It has been a pleasure to join in!

  3. Finally up to row 14!!
    Thank you for sharing your doily Jon. xxxx

  4. My name is Becky Lozowy & I went to Tat-a-Renda & your 14 day challenge from 2020, "Threads that Bind," I loved the pattern & would like to see if I can do it in 14 days. I don't know if your pattern is free or if it's for sale. I would appreciate it if you could let me know so I can get the pattern. Your work is beautiful!

    Thank you ,
    ecky Lozowy

    1. Hi bj,
      This pattern is free to be used but I would appreciate it very much if your include a link to my blog when you publish your work using this pattern.

  5. Porfavor vendes el patrón? Cómo lo puedo adquirir? Gracias por responder.


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