Masterpiece doily again

After looking at several options I decided to re-visit Jan Stawasz's Masterpiece doily and tat it a second time.  And to make it different from the 1st tat, this time I will be adding colours and an added challenge of using size 80 thread.

I have just completed Rd 3 and at this time the doily is only just about 11cm wide.
A little something about the thread.  Size 80 is the smallest thickness that I have tatted with so far.  I am using DMC for this and all I can say that it is a wonderful thread to tat with.  There is only very slight twisting (almost none at all) and the rings close very smoothly.

I have always been happy with my tension in whatever thread that I use for my tatting, but I noticed a slight difference when tatting with size 80 thread.  I seem to be loosening my tension a bit with this thread but the rings and chains still manage to hold their shape well.  Well enough that I do not need to block after each round; suffice to have it pressed under several books from my reading list.

p.s. This is my first JS Masterpiece tatted with size 20. The finished size is about 70cm wide.


  1. Looks like your oft to a good start and I did this doily in size 40 but all the same color was hard to do I had taken breaks just to see a different colors. I normally tat in size 80 and this will be fun to see the size difference 💐 keep us posted😁

  2. your doily is looking very pretty. it will be interesting to see the difference in size when you are finished.

  3. Very dainty in size 80. I must admit I’ve never seen size 80 thread let alone tatted with it.

  4. It looks lovely! The colors you’ve chosen are very pleasing to the eye!

  5. I've thought of tatting it in size 80 also, but thinking is as far as I've gotten! Yours is lovely, and I know I will enjoy following your progress.

  6. Its going to look beautiful unfortunately I cant do size 80 but I will be watching your progress

  7. So glad to see you posting on your blog again!

    I've always been amazed that anyone actually completed the Masterpiece doily, and you reminded me here that you are one of those who accomplished that feat! Beautiful work! All of you should receive special recognition! I certainly can understand wanting a smaller version, but tatting with size 80 would completely do me in! I was pleased early on in my tatting days that I could tat with size 80 because I certainly couldn't crochet with it! That crochet hook is way too tiny for me. With tatting you can use a huge shuttle if you want to. However, I still found it daunting to use 'fine' thread, even on small projects, and I would not be able to do this doily with it! I wouldn't even attempt it with size 20!

    It's so impressive in white, but I've also admired it in the 'color' versions. I'll look forward to seeing this second doily, both for its size and colors! You are to be commended!


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