The Ambivalency Continues

Thanks Fox, I learn a new word from you today.
Finished the doily in question as of the last post, and blocked it.

 The close-up of the outer rounds, replacing the rounds that I had cut off.

Looking at it now, I think the overlapping chains was not a good choice after all, though I do like the subtle spirally effect in it.

Will make this again, replacing the overlapping chains with regular chains ... and using a different colour.  This dark thread is getting to be depressing, :(


  1. Lovely doily, it looks a lovely pattern so far as you have it.
    I look forward too seeing what colour you chose next.

    1. I am reducing my stash so that I can start getting new colours, ;). There is a ball of lemony yellow that still has lots of thread on it. I think I will use that next, but maybe not for the re-tat of this particular doily. I am going to listen to Fox, and put this doily aside for a while.

  2. Oh dear, Jon! You are beginning to sound like me!

    This is fabulous, and in my opinion the overlapping works. Really! You will probably not see how lovely this is till you put it aside and have begun another project. But, it is indeed a lovely piece.

    I am so fed up with the soft, boring thread and the beigeness of the Honey Napkin... I know how you are feeling about the dark thread... ; )

    1. You are right, Fox. I should let it go for a while. There are the patterns for the earlier two doilies that I should work on.

  3. This turned out nice Jon, even if you aren't completely happy with it. You do so well with designing patterns, that I can see you coming up with a new pattern to feature the overlapped chains and use something else in this pattern. I particularly like the triangle areas in the outer rounds, they are so subtle I almost missed them.

    1. I think the triangles is a brilliant piece of designing, even if I say so myself, he he he ....

      For the re-tat, I may remove the picots in the chains separating the triangles so that they pop out more. What do you think?

    2. removing the picots would bring out the triangles. That would make them pop more. Then the triangles would be the major focus on the design. You already lose the looped chains (at least in this color) with the density of the outer rounds, so increasing the focus on the triangles would be good.
      if you ever need a test tatter, let me know.

  4. I think the design is fascinating! The design makes me focus on the various elements, and that makes it a wonderful doily to me. :-)

  5. I was thinking I should try making a tatted snowflake from my favorite crocheted snowflake. I would have similar points as this doily. Thank you for sharing. I looks wonderful.

  6. It looks good! I won't have persisted this far, knowing me. You've done a good job.

  7. I am just beginning to learn to needle tat. Your doily looks fabulous!


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