Old Fashioned Heart done and a few others.

The Old Fashioned Heart mentioned in the previous post is part of a collection of hearts that I am tatting, as shown above.
Mary Konior's Queen of Hearts is easily recognisable in the picture.  The top two are the individual motif of the Rainbow Heart bookmark by Betsy Evans. Below them on the right is the finished Old Fashion Heart by Etha Schuette.  And lastly, the Happy Heart by Frivole.

All are wonderful designs and very enjoyable to tat.  Thank you to the designers.


  1. Those are all so beautiful!! :)

  2. Beautiful collection of hearts

  3. They are all lovely and gorgeous patterns

  4. This is a beautiful display of hearts which shows, in addition to your perfect tatting of them, their relative sizes using the same thread. They are indeed examples of the clever and inventive designers! And this is a pretty thread by Tatskool in size 20.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you for your beautiful design, Etha. I have tatted another one and will probably do more later.


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