Preparing for the HMM

HMM is the Hand-Made Market held in conjunction with Georgetown Festival (GTF) to be held in Penang this month.

The Arts & Craft Guild of Selangor and KL (ACG) have been invited to participate in the handmade market and participating members are currently busy preparing items for the market.

This is my first time participating where I will be demonstrating tatting there.  Here are some of samples of tatting that I am bringing with me to the GTF.  I made a few of each and hopefully some will sell as well.

To my readers who are in the north of the country, please come see for yourselves what the other crafters have for sale at the market.  You may catch a bargain or two.

Handmade Market in conjunction with Armenian Street Project
Date: 23 Jun 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Venue: Yap Kongsi Temple Hall, Armenian Street, George Town, Penang

Hope to see you there!


  1. How lovely, I do a table every month at a craft fair where everything is handmade, it's amazing what people do make and I hope you have a great day, I will be doing my usual table on that day too, so I will be thinking of you.

    Hope you have a good turn out, I will tell you that we do get days that we call the 4 p's, it's pick up, play about, put down and p..... Off.

    Enjoy yourself, please let us know how it goes.


  2. Hi, Jon,
    Your wares look so very tasty! I hope you enjoy your first event. It should prove to be an interesting time.

  3. I think you will do very well. Your work is always so excellent and beautiful.

  4. I missed this market as I am in Adelaide now. Wanted to meet you in person and see your work.
    Waiting to see your posts on this market.


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