Bead in Centre of SSSR

I don't know whether I have stumbled on something new with this one.  I made a point to take a look at Jane's techniques page to see of there is something similar to it.  If anyone had thought of something like this, Jane would most likely be the one.

Well, there was this one, which describes adding bead in the centre of a split ring, but that uses two shuttle.  In my case, I added the bead in the centre of a single-shuttle split ring.

If a tutorial for this technique is not already available, I'll do it up in my next post.


  1. Jon, I would love to spend a week tatting with you... I think I'd learn so much! I might have to practice that SSSR so that I can try your tutorial when it's available!

  2. I don't remember seeing any technique page for a bead in a single shuttle split ring. If you write it up, I'll certainly be reading it!

  3. I don't think that there's any tutorial on adding to a single shuttle split ring. I couldn't even begin to guess how you've done it. If you get a chance then please do share. I know I would appreciate it. How much easier is it to just deal with one shuttle?

  4. Again you are so generous in offering a tutorial. I'm always appreciative of tatters such as yourself. who constantly research and develop new ideas, and 'lead the way'! I admit I'm still trying to catch up on so many new techniques.

    I was flattered that you stopped by my blog, and very much agree that the 'snowglobes' are perfect for underwater creatures! I'm sure Jane's seahorse would be the perfect size. And the space is big enough to accommodate the thickness of the cabone rings used in your beautiful motifs!

  5. I look forward to the tutorial. Great idea!

  6. I described the technique and showed a photo of the result several years ago at the old ETatters site, but cannot find the transferred file at InTatters. So, a tutorial is probably in order!

  7. I'm sorry! Looking back at my photo archive, I see that it was a single shuttle dimpled split ring with a central bead that I described how to do, not the basic SSSR with bead.


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