Felt like I Won too.

Rachael, in Phoenix Arizona entered some tatting in a State fair and won a whole lot of ribbons for her entries. She shared photos of her win in In Tatters.  When I saw the photos, I was smiling to my self and felt good inside.  Why?, you asked.

Her blue ribbon was for the Magic Moments Snowflakes .... and the pattern is from me ... whooeeee.  All I can say is that her tatting is impeccable and deserves all the win. Rachael gave me permission to share some of her photos here in my blog.  There are several more photos of her other entries which you can view in In Tatters. 

Magic Moment Snowflakes
 The pattern for the snowflake is here.

Rachael won second place for several bookmarks, and she has tatted a couple of my designs as well, the Foldover Bookmark (which are at the back of the group).

I must say her version of the basket edge variations (front) are really pretty.

Thank you Rachael for choosing my patterns.  I felt like I had won too.


  1. What a wonderful win! It says a lot for your designs too since no matter how good the tatting is, if the design is not good, it affects the overall appearance and that is part of the judging too.

  2. Aw shucks, you make me blush. I do like your patterns and hopefully the next fair your patterns will win again.

  3. Oh, and the white and purple in the back was your pattern Bookmark with Overlapping Chains that is did shorter with leftover thread on a few shuttles


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