I made a Housewife
I did it!! Yes ..... Finally!
I have wanted to make one ever since I know about it from Georgia Seitz’s Online Tatting Class. In case you are not familiar with this, a housewife, or the correct term a hussif, is a purse/bag/pouch or whatever that you call it, that is used to carry needlework stuff. Here’s what my housewife looks like.
Hmmm.... looking at it now, I just realised that the motifs of the fabric is perfectly centred. That is a lucky chance because I wasn't really paying attention when I cut the fabric.
In fact, this particular piece that I used was from the remnants of the fabric that was used for my wedding dress. It has kept well over the years, considering that I will be celebrating my silver anniversary this year!
I started with these – fabric for the outside and the pocket, 2 other fabrics of different colours for the inside and the pocket, interfacing material and some batting. Oh! the Il Divo CD? It is providing the background music while I sew.
Okay …. Back to the housewife.
I took that pic because I thought I wanted to show the step by step of how I made the housewife. But … reality check …. why re-invent the wheel …. I was following someone else’s instructions anyway, so credit should be given to the right person. So here it is – the tutorial for the Housewife prepared by Hope Green, which to me, was very well done - and Hope is a wonderful lady too. Or you can view it as a slide show.
My housewife has one large pocket and four smaller ones. Because of another ‘lucky’ mistake, I had two additional slim pockets (which shouldn’t be there actually) by the sides. They are just nice for my crochet hooks. Hmmm…. Sometimes mistakes are not bad at all. And I attached a felt fabric to keep my needles.
When filled, the housewife looks like this.
The shuttles fit prefectly into the smaller pockets and so does the small pair of scissors. And the WIP goes into the big pocket.
Perfect to carry around for doing tatting on the go.
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